Why God Why?
A Study Guide

The main purpose for offering this study guide is to provide a means of exploring the biblical insights of Why God Why? Sermons on the Problem of Pain within the context of a group. By inviting healthy dialogue and the sharing of personal stories, the study session promises to enhance an individual's theological understanding while providing a context of mutual support and empathy. Hopefully, this will enable the participants to face the inevitable occurrences of tragedy, injustice, grief and suffering with courage and a triumphant spirit. The venue for the groups can be a religious group, a grief recovery group, a gathering of divorced persons, or even a book review club.

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Why God Why? A Study Guide

Quotes from the book:

“In September of 2001 the theme of my book became painfully personal. My wife was stricken with terminal brain cancer. After a twenty-seven month struggle with the disease, she died at age 58. During my wife's illness a member of my congregation asked: "Justin, does your wife's illness shake your faith?" I answered her quickly: "No, it does not shake my faith but it shakes me to the core." I was fortunate. The theology I had preacehd, the one woven through every page of my book, was, indeed, the theology I still held dear. That theology, simply stated is this: God does not protect us from suffering and hardship but instead offers his presence and power so that no tragedy need ever defeat us. I learned as the apostle Paul had learned centuries before that God's grace is sufficient.”
(from the Introduction)


“Beautifully and thoughtfully written! It certainly brought the book alive in new ways, and helped the reader to own the experience.”
Rev. Patsy Brundige, author of Hope for a Widow's Shattered World

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