Why God Why?
Sermons on the Problem of Pain

Dr. Tull's book was selected to be a part of the Protestant Pulpit Exchange Series by Abingdon Press. This series was created to help teach ministers how to preach on various themes. Why God Why? addresses the issue of human tragedy and the age-old question of why a loving God allows suffering to visit God's children. Tull's book is the Christian equivalent of Kushner's book When Bad Things Happen to Good People. It also addresses the same issues as those explored in William Young's The Shack. Dr. Tull encourages one to examine God's eternal presence in times of blessed joy as well as during sorrow and suffering, and offers scripture and anecdotes to illustrate God's comfort and grace during all situations of life.

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Why, God, Why book cover

Quotes from the book:

“In the darkest night of our soul we are asked to believe in the daybreak of God's grace.”


“Preachers will find help in their own attempts to address the tough issues of sin, suffering, evil, and pain. Lay persons will find readable, practical help for their own struggles to live with these questions.”
Bishop William H. Willimon

“In these sermons, a caring pastor responds compassionately to the hurts that people experience in their lives, and the questions that often arise from those hurts. Equally important here is a seasoned interpreter of the Scripture who deals thoughtfully with significant biblical texts, and in ways that will encourage others to do the same.”
Victor Paul Furnish, Former University Distinguished Professor of New Testament SMU

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